About Us

Blue Shipping Company

Blue Shipping Co is a private independent company, the management has been involved in shipping business more than 25 years and always doing our utmost to ensuring customers’ needs for quality shipping, logistics and marine services are understood and met, Since the first BLue was set up, the Company has evolved into the widely-recognized global provider of integrated shipping, logistics, marine and related services we are today.

Blue Shipping is specialized in port agencies, brokering and chartering and our growing experience in shipping due to closer collaboration with vessels owners, operators, charterers that brought it to many others activities such as:


Our Services

Shipping Agencies

works as port agent at all Egyptian ports


specialized in handling all type of dry bulk trade requirements


know-how and facilities to match cargoes with vessels

Customs Clearance

our staff has wide and long experience in this field

Inland T/W/S

We have wide and long experience in cargo trucking
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